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Events Module
General Event Information
Events Overview
Event Management Outline & Checklist
Live Event Frequently Asked Questions
Creating and Editing Events - Event Pages
How do I create a new Event?
Can I copy an existing event?
How do I edit an existing event?
What is the Event Acknowledgement tab used for?
What is the Event Settings tab for?
View all 66
Events Grid & Purchases
Where can I see the people that have registered for the event?
What is the difference between the Detail and Summary Event Grids?
How do I purchase tickets on behalf of a constituent?
Can I see event registrants on my Constituent grid?
Do I see ticket sales on my Gifts Grid?
View all 22
Event Attendance Grid
Event Attendance Overview
Can I save the view for the Event Attendance grid?
Can I check in each individual ticket?
Is there a mobile Event Attendance App?
Can I change an attendee name or the name on a ticket?
View all 15
Managing Events
Why are duplicate records formed when someone is registering for the event?
Do I have to merge duplicate constituent records at the event?
What is the difference between the mobile app, portal, and browser platforms?
Can I set up temporary DonorView users to help with an event?
How do I check a guest in for an event?
View all 17
Group Assignments
Group Assignments Overview
Is there a way to only see unassigned event attendees?
Can I add new Groups from the Assignment Dashboard?
Can I editing existing Groups from the Group Assignments Grid?
Will the information I add to the Group Assignment be available any where else?
View all 6
Table Assignments
Table Assignments Overview
How do I view table seating assignments in a grid view?
Can I utilize the "group assignment" feature alongside the "table assignment feature"?
Where do I find the option to enable "Table Assignments"?
Why isn't my event showing up in the table assignments dropdown?
View all 9
Event Calendar
Event Calendar Setup
Mail Merge Event Templates
Sample Mail Merge Event Templates
How do I create an mail event merge template?
Theater Seating
How do I turn on Seating Charts for an Event?
How do I upload a new seating chart?
Creating a Theater Seating Chart in Excel
How can I show aisles and other features on the seating chart?
Using Seating Charts for Events
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Gift Cards
How do I make gift cards available to purchase for an event?
How do I set up an event where gift cards can be used?
How do I make seasonal subscription tickets available for purchase?
Where do I find details after someone has ordered a ticket subscription?
How do I set up an event where subscriptions can be used?