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CRM Module
Constituents Grid
What is a Constituent?
What is the Constituents page?
How do I find the Constituents page?
How can I search for a specific constituent?
Can I export constituent information?
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Managing Constituent Records
How do I add new constituent?
What is the difference between the Full & Quick tabs on the profile?
What is the difference between a contact and a company?
Can I merge two constituent records together?
What information can I transfer between two constituent records?
View all 8
Constituent Profiles
How do I edit a constituent’s profile?
How do I add a new address?
Can I edit or delete an address?
What does default address mean?
How do I add a new phone number?
View all 34
Household Records
Creating a Household Constituent Record
Adding Household Members
Editing Existing Household Relationships
Removing a Household Relationship
Household Record’s Tabs of Information
View all 8
CRM – Interactions
What is the Interactions grid?
How do I add an interaction?
How do I find the Interactions page?
Can I search interactions?
How do I see all of the interactions for just one constituent?
View all 12
My Follow Ups
What is the My Follow Ups tab?
How do I find the My Follow Ups page?
Can I have DonorView email our users when their follow up is due?
CRM – Documents
What is the Documents grid?
How do I add a document?
How do I find the Documents page?
How do I see all of the documents for just one constituent?
Can I export the documents?
View all 14
CRM – Relationships
Where do I see relationships between constituents?
How do I create a new relationship?
What if the related constituent doesn’t exist yet?
Do I have to create a relationship between an employee & employer?
How do I go to the related constituent’s profile from the relationship screen?
View all 13
CRM - Time Tracking
Time Tracking Overview
How do I get to the Time Tracking section?
How do I enter a new Time Tracking Record?
Where are the Locations pulled from?
Can a user track hours in the DonorView App?
Mail Merge CRM Templates
Sample Mail Merge CRM Template Letters
Wealth Profiles
What are Wealth Profiles?
Running Wealth Profiles in DonorView
How can I activate Wealth Profiles?
Automated Actions
Internal Notification from Event Check In
Send Internal Text Notification
Automated Action Triggers
Outlook/Gmail Integration
Connecting your Gmail Account to DonorView
Connecting your Outlook Email Account to DonorView
Blocking Domains and Specific Email Addresses from Syncing
How to Sync Gmail Communication into DonorView
How to sync Outlook Communication into DonorView